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This see-through rain poncho is waterproof, frosted transparent and stylish.
The raincoat is suitable for both men and women. The rainwear is particularly practical when cycling and keeps the cyclist happy when a rain shower comes. This makes cycling fun even in the rain.
Special product features
100% waterproof EVA quality material (frosted)
Large hood with drawstring to adjust for dry hair
Waterproof at least W/P15000mm
Free storage bag
Ideal for cycling or moped riding in the rain
Plenty of space under the poncho for dry pockets
More information about the EVA/EVAC material: EVAC is a film material that has high heat resistance and good ageing resistance. EVA is basically colorless and has a neutral odor. Ethylene vinyl acetate is resistant to UV light and weathering. EVA is non-toxic and contains no plasticizers or similar additives. It is also food-safe and resistant to oils and fats. EVA also does not become brittle and remains soft for a very long time, and it can be recycled.